Woman.com.au nominated for 2013 Startup of the Year

It’s official. We’ve been nominated and I’m so excited.

startupI’m also feeling a little unworthy.

On Thursday, 1 August, woman.com.au turns 7 months old and everything is still under construction.

We’re still working on our official logo. Our website is in beta. The concept is work in progress. And there’s so much more to be done.

It’s easy to doubt yourself when the road seem long and the target is moving. So today I’m taking stock on the things we’ve achieved over the last seven months:

Believe me when I say there’s more to come. We haven’t even begun.

Every time I think we’re moving too slow, I’ll come back to this list.




GD Star Rating
Woman.com.au nominated for 2013 Startup of the Year, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

Article written by Robelen Bajar

Online veteran, blogger and business brewer. Revealing hidden treasures around the Internet. Writing about cool people, ideas and businesses. Mixing business + leisure. Sharing my online journey.

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  1. About Woman.com.au - Startup of the year nomination video | Robelen Bajar

    […] Woman.com.au nominated for 2013 Startup of the Year […]